NZ Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners (Level 1)
Turning your passions into every day life skills!
Our magical life-changing Skills for Living Certificate will give you the self-confidence and independence to embrace life.
Flexibility to pick what you learn!
We will give you mana enhancing support to learn, have fun and achieve your goals, no matter how big or small.
Teaching students to “live their best life”!
Perfect for meeting new people, grow friendships and re-engage with your community after transitioning from school.
Course Overview:
This transformative course helps Akōnga (students) set goals, enhance communication skills through literacy and numeracy, build on existing talents, and foster creativity.
We support Akōnga to boost confidence to take control of your own well-being, use problem-solving techniques for real-world obstacles and reconnect with the community as you step boldly into your future.
Why Enroll?
Gain real-world skills through work experience and community engagement.
Unlock potential and take charge of your journey, choosing the parts of our course that excite and inspire you.
This Certificate is free! No cost is required.
Our graduates leave ready to live independent, driven lives, achieving incredible milestones that you once thought were out of reach
Who is it for?
Open to all neurodiverse and Tangata Whaikaha (disabled people) and their whānau,
Those exploring new opportunities, connection and direction.
Those looking to transition from school and re-engage into their communities.
Tangata Whaikaha on a Supported Living benefit or ACC.
When: 9am - 3pm- Wednesday to Friday
Term 1 – 10th February 2025 - 11th April
Term 2 – 28th April - 17th June
Term 3 – 14th July - 19th September
Term 4 – 6th October - 12th December 2025
Duration: Full-time - 1 year (38 weeks)
Where: Allsorts Centre & Cafē, 515 Main Street, Palmerston North
Complete the form below to book in or contact us for more information
Phone: 0800 464 487
Email: bookings@its.ac.nz

Follow us
Head Office | Palmerston North campus
– Level 1, 515 Main Street, Palmerston North, 4410
0800 464 487
0800 464 487
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