Student Information
The Treaty of Waitangi
In all cases Industry Training Solutions Ltd will endeavour to participate in culturally appropriate and culturally sensitive practice with all stakeholders in the organisation including staff, clients and organisations. Clients will be encouraged to voice any special conditions pertaining to their race or culture. Industry Training Solutions Ltd will endeavour at all times to be responsive to requests.
Recognition of prior learning:
When a client states they have the knowledge – they can be invited to present evidence of Current Competency – the assessor can measure the evidence against the evidence record for the NZQA Unit in question, current competencies, evidence &/or recognition of prior learning and skill gaps can be identified, and the assessment requirements will be detailed for the client so they are aware of what they need to do to be assessed as competent in that Unit.
Health and Safety Requirements:
All sites are checked prior to classes. If you identify any hazards please inform the Tutor/Assessor immediately.
International Students or speakers of English as a Second Language:
You must have the ability to communicate in English to a minimum competency level of Band 5 or higher on the IELTS test.
Marking of Assessments:
Where possible papers are marked at the end of the course, which enables you and the tutor to go through the exam paper. If competency is gained – you pass! If when marking your assessment the Assessor finds areas that are incorrect or not complete, they will mark that part of your assessment – not yet achieved. Then you will be able to discuss those areas with your assessor and you are given the opportunity to re–sit those parts of the assessment paper at a mutually agreed time and date, and will be notified in writing, with a brief summary of the area requiring extra study.
What if I don’t agree:
You can ask us to have another person mark your assessment – this is called internal moderation – where assessor’s marking is moderated by their peers to make sure it is consistent and fair. You can ask your assessor, or phone or write to Appeals, Industry Training Solutions Ltd, Level 1, 515 Main St, Palmerston North 4410. Appeals will be completed within ten days of your request for appeal. Another assessor will be asked to moderate (re-mark) your paper. You will be able to discuss the matter with that assessor, and head office at any time.
Independent review of Assessment Results:
If you are unhappy with the results of the internal moderation you can request an Independent review. Industry Training Solutions Ltd will get an independent moderator who will make decisions on the appeal of academic results.
If you are not satisfied with the assessment result in the first instance you should discuss the matter with your tutor, a re-assessment may be appropriate. You may formally appeal in writing to Industry Training Solutions Ltd detailing the reasons for the appeal. Should you still be dissatisfied with the response you may then appeal to New Zealand Qualifications Authority, P.O.Box 160, Wellington 6140. Phone 0800 697 296.
If you wish to make a complaint about any matter relating to the Assessment you should write to us at Industry Training Solutions Ltd and we will address the issue within five working days of receiving it, and respond to your complaint in writing. Please forward your complaint to Industry Training Solutions Ltd, Level 1, 515 Main St, Palmerston North 4410. The Compliance Manager will discuss the matter with the Client and respond in writing to the Client. Then if you are not satisfied with our solution, you can bring the matter to the attention of; New Zealand Qualifications Authority, P.O.Box 160, Wellington 6140. Phone 0800 697 296.
Learner guidance:
Industry Training Solutions Ltd is passionate about the success of every client and because of the many years they have each been teaching, are always on the lookout for any clients needing assistance, however if you feel you would like assistance and or support regarding any matter associated with the course then please do not hesitate to ask your assessor/tutor or call the office where you booked your course or call head office – we are here to help you. It is mandatory that all staff give clients assistance in a respectful, caring, inclusive manner and details regarding any assistance will remain confidential. Class numbers are strictly limited to eighteen so as to fit in with adult teaching guidelines for maintaining quality teaching, assessment and client comfort. Clients may bring a reader writer with them into the classroom environment. Industry Training Solutions. Head Office: Level 1, 515 Main St, Palmerston North. 0800 464 487 If you would like assistance please call our office or seek help from your Local Citizens Advice Bureau or Literacy Training Organisation. Individual tutoring will be made available if requested – please feel free to ask.
Confidential Assessment of Course:
At the completion of the course it is really helpful for us if you complete the course assessment form – it is confidential – they are collated at Head Office to help us measure our Quality Assurance – we appreciate you taking the time to complete the form and please add any comments regarding your experience with our company.
Postponement of course:
No course is permitted to continue should the normal Tutor or another suitably qualified, contracted tutor be unavailable for any reason. If this should occur Head Office will offer an alternative date to you as soon as practical and provide a full refund if requested, or if you need to complete the training at a date sooner than we can offer. It may be considered practical to have the clients attend another provider’s course, should this be the case Head Office should notify you of the availability of the alternative course and transfer any deposits made to the other provider or refund them to you within five days.
ITS Code Self Review:
ITS Code of Practice - Self Review Attestation - Oct2024
ITS Code Attestation Form - EDUMIS7837
ITS has no critical incidents to report in the current year - 2024
ITS has no known notifications listed in its Complaints Register

Follow us
Head Office | Palmerston North campus
– Level 1, 515 Main Street, Palmerston North, 4410
0800 464 487
Hamilton campus
– 460 Ulster Street, Hamilton, 3200
0800 464 487
0800 464 487
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