NZ Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1)
Course Overview
Grow self-management strategies to organise personal life, maintain well-being, and continue learning.
Develop skills for interacting positively with people from your own culture and other cultures, work ingroups and in the community.
Achieve personal and career goals and learn about communicating using basic literacy and numeracy skills.
This program specifically supports ākonga in New Zealand. It provides a framework for developing “lifelong learning”.
Why Enrol?
This qualification allows the Aotearoa New Zealand community and educational institutions to recognise the graduate’s potential to enhance their participation in the community, as a contributing citizen.
It can lead to further training or study - Level 2 programmes are available in Palmerston North.
This programme is tailored to individual needs and learner choices.
Who its for
Open entry for domestic students
There are no academic requirements that need to be met to enter this programmes
Open to all neurodiverse and Tangata Whaikaha (disabled people) and their whānau,
Those exploring new opportunities, connection and direction
Those looking to transition from school and re-engage into their communities.
Tangata Whaikaha on a Supported Living benefit or ACC.
Our friendly tutors will support you with in-class and online learning in a way that suits your needs.
When: 9am – 3pm -Monday to Wednesday
Term 1 – 21st January - 13th April
Term 2 – 28th April - 27th June
Term 3 – 14th July - 14th September
Duration: Part time - 8 months (26 teaching weeks)
Where: Allsorts Centre & Cafē, 515 Main Street, Palmerston North
Complete the form below to book in or contact us for more information
Phone: 0800 464 487
Email: bookings@its.ac.nz

Follow us
Head Office | Palmerston North campus
– Level 1, 515 Main Street, Palmerston North, 4410
0800 464 487
0800 464 487
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