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Student Services Fund

The Student Services fee (SSF), or as sometimes referred to, the Student Levy, is a compulsory
non-tuition fee paid by students giving access to support services that assist and enhance their experience while studying with us. 



All students in the NZCSL (New Zealand Certificate for Supported Living) at ITS pay the Student Services fee, with the fee being invoiced at the same time as the tuition fees. By Ministerial directive, students (and whanau and support workers in the case of ITS students studying the NZCSL) and institutes are to work together to set the fee and determine the support services to be funded. 

The directive also specifies what categories of student services the fee can support namely, 
• Advocacy and legal advice
• Careers information, advice, and guidance 
• Counselling services (including chaplaincy) 
• Employment information 
• Financial support and advice 
• Health services 
• Media 
• Childcare services 
• Clubs and societies 
• Sports, recreation, and cultural activities 

How much is the SSF? 
In 2023 the SSF at ITS is charged at $356.40 incl GST per equivalent full-time student (pro-rata for students enrolled part time or only doing a half year programme). 

What student services does the SSF fund contribute to in 2023? 
**See more details in Student Handbook here

Counselling Services (Pastoral Care Support) – 30% of SSF. This service provides students access to free Pastoral Care Support and confidential counselling sessions to empower students to fully engage in study. The Pastoral Care Officer is involved in crisis intervention and support, delivering workshops, running wellness promotions and follow up of students with ongoing challenges or mental illness. The officer assists in providing pastoral and hardship support, a non-judgmental listening ear and support in times of illness, confusion, and bereavement. 

Financial Support & Advice – 25% of SSF.

Planning Future Programme and Guidance – the students are assisted in receiving financial support and advice so that they can have a say regarding their own levels of independent financial ownership. The students are encouraged throughout the programme to develop an understanding of their own financial situations, and to learn to deal with daily and overall financial management to the extent that they are able. The support and advice encourage communication and impart knowledge of basic personal financial matters to allow the student to grow their knowledge base in living more independently and being more involved in their own financial decision-making.

Clubs & Societies – 20% of SSF.

ITS provides clubs (like Craft & Cookery) to extend the work experience and production possibilities for the student population in this course. Work Experience for these students is often very difficult to gain, and even more difficult to maintain, so this initiative assists in allowing those clubs to get the additional work experience in a collaborative and collegial form. The Cookery and Craft Clubs allow the students to get work experience in the form of meal preparation and production of goods for market days and internal display. It allows the students to often sample the world of work for the very first time under safe and supervised environments where it is easy to learn and progress. Throughout their study, the student is supported to develop the skills and attributes that will maximise their advantage in the employment market. 

Sport, Recreational and Cultural Activities – 25% of SSF. funding ITS provides a range of free student events, recreation and activities throughout the academic year. Some of these initiatives are in collaboration with local community partners. The events are structured to support student’s wellbeing and success, to connect students to their community, and generally have fun. We also have access to gym memberships with discounted membership for students. ITS supports the development of student cultural activities, and is led in combination by the students themselves, and the integrated cultural activities planned for each cohort. We also offer cultural events, graduation and celebration of many diverse cultures of ITS and our community, and mark many key ethnic, cultural and spiritual celebrations. 
Note: ITS also contributes financially to the provision of these services. 

What if I don’t use any of the services funded through the SSF? 
ITS offers a range of student services and facilities designed to support students through their study and enhance the student experience. The Student Levy makes a small contribution to the costs of these services. 

The services funded by the SSF have been determined by ITS, in consultation with students, as necessary for the student community. Even if a particular student does not use the services funded, they are liable to pay the levy to support the collective provision of these. 

How is the SSF determined and how are students consulted in the process? 
The Student Services fee is reviewed each year. It is ultimately set by the ITS Executive and Programme Manager, however the Executive receives recommendations from the Finance Department who in turn receives recommendations up-streamed from Students, Whanau, & Support Workers.

ITS is committed to ensuring students and/or their representatives are well consulted as regards the levy amount and the support services it is spent on. The Programme Manager, Tutorial Staff, and Pastoral Care Officer work closely with the students (past and present) in this process. The consultation process happens throughout the year, as well as prior to transition of any new cohort. SSF data on allocation and spend from previous years maybe also used to assist with this process.  

Students, whanau, and support workers are charged with consulting with each other, and the students are advised regularly in classroom hours when the SSF is being used for a particular part of their programme. They will do this in 2023 through their own networks and/or via a student survey.  
ITS seeks feedback from students and whanau and support workers on the quality of support services. This is carried out through a range of channels: whanau meetings, student meetings, and student satisfaction surveys, and face-to-face feedback throughout the use of individual aspects of the services. Student Survey reports for 2023 will be available. 

Where can I find out more about the SSF? 
As part of the Ministers directive, institutes are required to report on how the SSF levy is charged and spent. This information is available on the ITS website and in reports. 
The Tertiary Education Commission has produced guidance information for tertiary education providers. This can be found here.

Alternately if you would like to discuss the SSF with someone at ITS, provide feedback or engage more directly in future decision making, contact the Relationship Manager Richard Doolan 

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